
Create you own survey

Surveys get prospects involved, give you valuable information, and are often of interest to the media.

Although it often takes an expert to create a good survey, you can make your own survey by following a few guidelines.

  1. Use yes/no or multiple choice questions. They are much easier to tabulate andpeople can answer them faster. You can use these kinds of questions to calculate percentages.
  2. Use fill in the blank questions when you are trying to get a range of ideas from prospects and customers.
  3. Make your questions clear and precise. Vague questions or questions that beg for a certain answer give you unreliable results.
  4. Limit your survey to just a few questions so people can fill it out quickly. Set a deadline for returning it.

Be sure to release your results to the media in a press release. Media love survey results, even if your survey is small and informal.

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Get Kevin’s Press Release Package to 5,000 media AND his Ezine Article Package to 2,000 editors—all at one low package price. See Reach Kevin at Recharge your business with all his marketing ideas at