Credit Cards

Saving money on food & drink

Have you ever just about died of a heart attack at the checkstand of your local grocery store? It seems like the price of food and beverages keeps escalating, with no end in sight. Higher transportation costs (especially fuel) are only one of the many factors have significantly impacted the price of goods at your local store. This article will discuss some of the ways you can cut back your expenses on purchased food and water.

Credit Cards

You can prevent credit card fraud by being careful

One of the biggest problems that people have financially is probably credit card fraud. With the number of different ways that credit cards are used now, it’s more and more likely that a credit card could be stolen. While it is scary to find out how many credit card numbers are stolen every day, you should just remember that there are a few simple precautions that you can take to protect yourself from credit card fraud.

Credit Cards

You can find the right low interest credit cards for you online

If you’re looking for low interest credit cards, one of the best places you can look is online. The reason for this is that you will get access to the largest number of different credit card companies by checking online, instead of just going to your bank. After all, if you just go to your local bank, then the only credit card offers you’ll be able to get are the ones that your bank offers, and they might not be what you’re looking for.

Credit Cards

Which credit card?

Bewildered by the sheer variety of debit cards and credit cards? Here is a breakdown of some of the main types of debit and credit cards available:

Credit Cards

What to look for in a credit card offer

When it comes to acquiring a credit card, there is a plethora of choices out there for any credit consumer. However this makes the process of browsing through the credit card offers and selecting the best one difficult for the average consumer.

Credit Cards

What is credit card and debit card blocking?

Have you ever been told you were over your credit card limit, or had your debit card declined, even though you knew you had available credit or money in your bank account? If this happened shortly after you stayed in a hotel or rented a car, the problem could have been card “blocking.”

Credit Cards

What is a secured credit card?

A secured credit card is often a valuable resource for those individuals that are suffering from poor or no credit and are having trouble finding the right card. A secured credit card is one where an individual’s savings account acts as a sort of collateral for the issuer. The secured credit card is thus backed up by that savings account.

Credit Cards

What is a credit card?

A credit card allows you to buy things even though you might not have the money to pay for it right away. The company that gave you the card lets you spend up to an agreed sum and then makes additional money available to you as you pay off what you’ve spent. You must pay at least a minimum amount by the due date, generally once every month. You will pay a finance charge or interest on any amount you do not pay by the due date.

Credit Cards

What are secured credit cards?

Secured credit cards are cards that are backed by money deposited into a savings account. Basically the credit company is taking little risk since your savings will cover the money you spend.

Credit Cards

Wal Mart credit card

Wal Mart credit cards offer many great features at low interest rates.