
Forget MLM … Turn future money into now money

Just about everyone could use more money, right? Whether we like it or not, right or wrong, money truly does make the world go ’round. If you have enough, everything is easier. If you don’t, everyday life might be a challenge.

Whether you’re single, a middle-class family, or a small or large business, money keeps you afloat and buys the things you need. If you need more money for corporate operations or household bills, you’ve probably looked into starting some kind of business or investment venture on the side. This has worked for many, but what about buying and selling money to make money?

What? Even if you have a successful and profitable business, you’re probably sometimes short of cash. Couldn’t your business benefit from a receivables-based credit line of sorts? Or, if you are currently receiving payments on the sale of real estate or a business, wouldn’t it be nice to convert that note into instant cash, based on the credit of your buyer?

Thanks to what is commonly known as the cash flow industry, thousands of national funding sources and investors want to purchase these notes, giving you cash for them right now…not payments over time. There are many companies out there today who exist solely to help individuals and businesses to maintain a steady cash flow, so they can continue to grow and survive. Instead of waiting months or years to collect on a note, these funders buy that note, give you the cash up front, then collect the payments from the other party.

The cash flow industry is a billion-dollar business. And it’s growing rapidly, thanks to experts who are spreading the word and even showing everyday people how they can get involved. It’s a great way for any business to solve cash flow problems, plus a fantastic business for an individual to be in. It’s very easy to get into, and yields great results in a short time.

Basically, people convert payments they would receive over a period of time into a lump sum of cash right now. Economic factors such as inflation, or the risk of future interest rate increases often make money due in the future worth less than today’s dollar, making getting your money now a beneficial option.

The cash flow funding process can be used in cases of annuities, tax lien certificates, royalties, leases, insurance benefits paid in installments, retirement accounts, real estate, lottery winnings, and more. It’s a great financial solution to cash flow problems of all shapes and sizes.

About the author
Author Ann-Marie Da Costa represents AMS Capital Resources, Inc. AMS helps people and businesses convert notes into immediate cash. Why wait for your cash to trickle in when you can have it now? For more information, visit Reach Ann-Marie at