
What to do when you need a small cash loan

Like many other people you have undoubtedly found yourself needing only a little cash for a short period of time to cover an emergency and have no money in your savings account. Due to the higher average cost of living now a days and reduced incomes it is very hard to get far enough ahead to have enough money in your bank account to cover short terms problems. And of course problems always occur at the worst possible time.


What to consider before applying for a loan

Here are some useful tips on what to consider before applying for a loan. If you need money to pay bills or make home improvements, and think the answer is in refinancing, a second mortgage, or a home equity loan, consider your options carefully. If you can’t make the required payments, you could lose your home as well as the equity you’ve built up. That’s why it’s important not to let anyone talk you into using your home to borrow money you may not be able to afford to pay back.


What kind of loan do you need?

If you live in the UK and are considering borrowing money for any reason, you may have considered contacting one of the companies that advertise their lending services on TV.


What is a VA loan?

A VA loan is a special type of insurance that is available to veterans of the US Armed Services to allow them to purchase homes after active service. The Veterans Administration will guarantee that the creditor will receive a portion of the amount of money lend if you default on the loan. This guaranteed amount of money is called the entitlement.


What is a tenant loan?

Ever wondered what is a Tenant Loan? A tenant loan is another term for an unsecured personal loan. Tenant loans are aimed specifically at people who do not own any property. Tenant loans are a way for those people who rent their accommodation from the council, private landlords or live with parents to apply for a loan.


What is a student loan?

Not everyone is aware of what is a student loan? Student loans, as the name implies, are available to students who require help with living costs while studying.


What is a payday loan?

A Payday loan is a small, short-term, high-rate loan. It is also referred to as: cash advance loan, cheque advance loan, post-dated cheque loan, deferred deposit cheque loan or cash loan.


What is an unsecured loan?

The two main types of loans include secured and unsecured loans. Unsecured loans refer to those loans that have no collateral associated with them. Secured loans are backed by collateral.


What is an unsecured loan?

An unsecured loan is a personal loan where the lender has no claim on a homeowner’s property should they fail to repay. Instead, the lender is relying solely on the ability of a borrower to meet their loan borrowing repayments. The amount you are able to borrow can start from as little as £500 and go up to £25,000. Because you not securing the money you are borrowing, lenders tend to limit the value of unsecured loans to £25,000.


What is a home equity loan?

A home equity loan is a loan that is guaranteed by your home. Are you in urgent need for cash and want to get the same without selling off your home or property? Getting a home equity loan is a good way to do so.